Friday, September 01, 2017

Review: MIRACLE MAN by John Hendrix

written and illustrated by John Hendrix
Abrams Books for Young Readers

"Ages ago, in a dry and dusty land, the people were in need."

Thus begins MIRACLE MAN: THE STORY OF JESUS, a gentle and thoughtful book about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and the way the leadership of his time turned against him. The story is told through simple yet compelling text, with sections of the story (in most cases, the words of Christ) displayed as word art that seems to come alive on the page. More than simply a retelling of a familiar Bible story, it is an interpretation of the life and teachings of Christ as a whole. As John Hendrix says in the author's note, "Though based on the gospel narrative of his life and ministry, it should not be confused with the authority of the actual Biblical accounts." That said, it would be a challenge to find a book that presents the gospel in a more accessible, or more attractive, manner. The illustrations themselves are enough to draw one in. Done in pen and ink with fluid acrylic washes, the illustrations are detailed and vibrant. Hendrix has done an impressive job of using images to convey the mood of the text.

Frankly, MIRACLE MAN is the best retelling of the story of Jesus that I've ever read. As a Christian I can't recommend it enough, but it isn't only because of my faith that I find this book appealing. This book, quite simply, is a work of art.

For more information or to purchase this book go to:

Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound

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