Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What should I title this blog post?

I'd really love to blog
on something helpful, something new.
Instead I'm staring at the screen,
unsure of what to do.
I'd love to get a grip on
one idea within my head,
but when I sit to blog on it,
my mind just WHIRRS instead.
Even journal entries are
a tangled web of thoughts,
mixed up lines and slanted rhymes,
scribbles, scratches, jots.
I'm hopeful that this writer brain,
with just a little luck,
will (in time for NaNoWriMo)
find its way out of this MUCK!

TIP: If all else fails, write a dorky poem.

Monday, October 12, 2009

NaNoWriMo ideas

Are you sick of me blogging about NaNoWriMo yet?

Last year at NaNoWriMo, I had little more than a concept in my head before I started writing. I learned my story, got to know my characters, and figured out ways to solve problems as I wrote. The story flowed onto the screen almost effortlessly.

So, why am I worried about this year? Maybe I'm concerned that last year's success was a fluke and I won't get more than a couple of chapters into my book before I freeze. Or because I have too many ideas and haven't yet settled on one. Or maybe it's that each of those ideas are little more than concepts in my head.

But if it worked once, it can work again, right? I need to stop freaking out, pick an idea, and just WRITE!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


I wish NaNoWriMo was starting tomorrow. And here's why.

I started re-reading last year's (unfinished) NaNoWriMo book. Call me crazy. I just felt drawn to it after that lightbulb moment the other day. I haven't thought much about that book until recently, probably because I was so deep into Sharra's War.

As I was reading, I remembered why I got so far with it in the first place. Because it is good! Or potentially good. Maybe that's hopeful thinking, but as I read I thought, "Hmmm...I'd like to finish this. It's got potential!" That's a good thing, but I wonder if I will be able to put it down and start something new on November 1st.

But you know what? I put Sharra aside last year to do NaNoWriMo, and Sharra didn't suffer for it. So maybe it will be perfectly safe for me to work on last year's book until the madness begins. I'm itching to work on a novel, so I might as well work on the one I've got going already.

Anyone else planning on setting their current WIP aside to do NaNoWriMo?