Saturday, January 01, 2011

A List of a few of my favorites from 2010

In 2010 I...
  • Sold two poems to Highlights for Children
  • Built a sled run in the front yard with my hubby and kids
  • Became the new "media para" at work
  • and went from working 4 days a week down to 3
  • Witnessed my kids' first time swimming in the ocean
  • Saw my daughter win the district spelling bee
  • and my other daughter perform in the all state choir
  • Visited the Grand Canyon
  • and the Sequoias
  • Had TWO requests for the full manuscript of Sharra's War
  • Have seen Daughter #2 living out her faith at school
  • and Daughter #1 go on her first missions trip
  • Created a beautiful work of art with my children (with some help from hubby)
  • Began illustrating my first picture book
  • Went ice skating with my kids for the first time
  • Filled the last page in my poetry journal (on the left)
  • and received a new hand-made journal from my daughter for Christmas (on the right). Isn't it pretty?