But there was something about this book, besides the story, that made me fall in love with it: the binding. The textured cover, the beautiful end paper, the solid feel of the book in my hands; all these combine to make a gorgeous book that I can't imagine ever parting with.
That's when it hit me. I don't just love reading; I love books. Real books with real covers and real pages that can sit in a real place of honor on my book shelf. Books that can be inscribed, shared, passed around, handed down, or purchased at a yard sale for 50 cents.
I know that there are lots of people out there that are just like me. That's why I don't believe all the doom and gloom talk about how the e-book will kill the traditional book. Yes, there are changes happening and people are buying e-books more and more every day. I've even read a couple myself. But e-books are for readers.
Me? I'm a book-lover.