Monday, April 29, 2013

A Letter to Spring

Dear Spring,

Your tardiness had upset me.
Why had you been so late in coming?
Did you not know
how my bones wearied of the chill?
How my feet yearned for the feel of cool fresh grass?
How my legs begged to be free of their denim restraints
and clad, instead, in flowing skirts?

I had thought that I could never forgive you for this crime,
for the way you teased me with hints of your coming.
But today
when you sent the sun to invite me out
and I went
and rested in your warmth,
all was forgiven
and forgotten.

P.S. I hear that you may be leaving again later this week.
Don't be gone long!

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Writing Place

My writing place is
wherever I am.

On the couch,
with my feet resting on my beloved's lap.

In bed
by the glow of the lamp.

In the car
while waiting for my son,
or zipping along the highway.

In the shower,
with my mind as my only notebook.

At work
during stolen moments at the computer.

Wherever I am,
wherever the need strikes,
that is my writing place.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Desk: A Poem

My Desk

My desk is filled with lots of things
like scissors, glue, and spools of string,
paper scraps and pens and cups,
matches, pet rocks, pick-me-ups,
origami cranes and frogs,
notes for yet unwritten blogs,
CDs, pins, a cardboard box,
a telephone, some Lego blocks,
post-it notes and paper clips,
headphones, camera, power strips,
candle holders, pictures, tape,
drips of paint, some dings and scrapes,
and room to spare for still more stuff
in case this mess is not enough.

(c) 2013 Rebecca J. Gomez 

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

A Page from my Art Journal

Back in January, I mentioned that one of my new things for 2013 was to create an art journal. It has been an exercise in learning to let go, to silence my inner art critic and just try stuff! It's been challenging at times, because that inner art critic can be annoyingly loud. But I've progressed.

Here is one of my favorite pages so far:

"Tea for Me" art journal page
What creative endeavors have you been up to lately?

Monday, April 01, 2013

Poetry Month Begins

A month of
Poetry, spent
Reading, writing, expressing
In various
Lines and forms.

(c) 2013 Rebecca J. Gomez