Thursday, October 31, 2013

NaNoWriMo and PiBoIdMo, here I come!

But before I talk about 30 days of writing craziness, I have some news to share.

I have an agent!

Last week, I accepted an offer of representation from Pam van Hylckama Vlieg of Foreword Literary. If you've been following me long, you might know that for me, this is (to paraphrase Joe Biden) "a big freaking deal." 

Really. I can't tell you how long it's been since I was so excited. You might be thinking, "But didn't you sell your first book recently?" Why yes, that is true. But I kinda knew that was coming. This agent thing, though? It was a sudden, happy surprise that left me sleepless with excitement. But I'll save the full story for a later "how I got my agent" post.

And now, for the actual purpose of this blog entry.

I told myself I wasn't going to do NaNoWriMo. I have a novel that I'm already working on, a new picture book project with Corey, and plenty of other things to keep me busy in November. Like directing the Christmas play at church, maintaining a cleanish house, planning for Thanksgiving, and taking care of a husband, two+ kids, two dogs and a parrotlet. I'm swamped.

But I can't resist. Especially considering the incredibly tempting and original idea I have for a new novel. So I'm gonna go for it. Maybe I'll even succeed at reaching 50,000 words this time! 

As if all that isn't enough to keep me busy, I'm all signed up for PiBoIdMo too. I think I can handle coming up with 30 new picture book ideas for the month of November. All that takes is paying attention to the world around me, and maybe a bit of brainstorming. No problem.

Tomorrow the wild ride begins. What have you got in store for the month of November?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Life as a Write-At-Home-Mom

Back in May, I blogged about my decision to quit my job as a part-time library lady in order to have more time to dedicate to my family and my writing. In August, that decision became reality when my kids went back to school, but I didn't.

It was strange at first--and exciting--to have so much time! Never before had the days felt so luxuriously long. There was so much I could do, so many things I could fill my day with. Driving kids to and from school, baking, housework, reading and, of course, writing. Lots of writing. HOURS of writing each day.

I am loving it!

I don't have to fret about having time to write. I don't have to debate whether to stay up late to work on a manuscript or to go to bed and read or watch the news with hubby. I no longer feel the desperate urge to spend hours on Saturday morning working on my WIP when I could be hanging out with my kids playing Mario Kart or baking cookies.

Being a wife and mother has always been the most important thing to me. It was what I dreamed of most when I was growing up. My life is a dream come true!

And now I have plenty of time to live the dream while pursuing another.

What about you? Are you living the dream, pursuing the dream, or both?

Friday, October 04, 2013

Go away, Summer!

It's October again!

Normally October brings cooler weather and thoughts of comfy sweaters, hot drinks, and fluffy comforters. But so far this year, October has been masquerading as August. It's been hot and humid and the leaves on the trees remain lush and green. There was even an impressive thunderstorm last night and the night before (no wonder I slept so well!).

I love summer. But right now it is kind of like that out-of-town guest whose company you thoroughly enjoyed for a while, but who now refuses to leave.

Go away, summer, and let me enjoy some quality time with fall before winter forces himself in!