Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Back-to-school GIVEAWAY!

It's back-to-school time, or will be soon, for many in the U.S. So to celebrate (or as a consolation...take your pick) I'm giving away a signed copy of WHAT ABOUT MOOSE?--because it's important to have quality reading material to read for fun during the school year! All you have to do to be eligible to win is subscribe to my newsletter and fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents ages 18 and older. Ends at 12:00 a.m. CST on August 31, 2017. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, August 14, 2017

Summer's End

The end of summer vacation is here, and I am both happy and sad about that. On one hand I will be glad to get back into a regular schedule. On the other, it's back to getting up early, lunch by myself, and seeing my teenage son for approximately 20 minutes a day. 

I've never been one of those parents who cheers when the kids go back to school. I have always enjoyed the disruption of our usual schedule and spending time with them doing summery stuff like playing in the sprinkler, staying up late building a Lego masterpiece, and going on adventures to the park or zoo. 

But my kids are older now, and summer, though still fairly laid back, is something different. I have their schedules to consider. They are almost all grown up, after all!

Still, the end of summer vacation and the beginning of a new school year is something to celebrate. This year it marks my oldest daughter's first real steps into the world as a college-graduated adult, my second daughter's third year of college, and my son's second half of his high school experience (with which he CANNOT WAIT to be finished).

As the new school year begins, I am hopeful that it will be full of good things. 

P.S. Come back on Wednesday to find out about my back-to-school giveaway!