Friday, November 17, 2017

NaNoWriMo Halfway Point Check-in

It's the afternoon of November 17, 2017. The sky is grey, yet friendly; the house is quiet; and my NaNoWriMo journal sits on the dining room table, waiting. It's been sorely neglected today, despite my best intentions.

November is a little more than halfway over, my journal is a little more than halfway full, and I'm closing in on 25,000 words.

When I think about it, having written close to 25,000 words in just over two weeks sounds like an amazing thing. But I'm behind. I should have been at that point on Wednesday. I had hoped to reach 30,000 words by Sunday night, and I'm not sure if I will make it!

But I must strive for it. Because I want to be able to say at the end of the day on November 30, 2017 that I did it. That, for the second time in my life, I won NaNoWriMo!

Even though I'm a little behind, I'm not discouraged. If I keep plugging along, I'll get there. Maybe I'll catch up, then get ahead, and finish a day early!

As long as I don't get any surprise out-of-town guests for Thanksgiving next week, I think that is doable.