Saturday, February 24, 2018

Pinhole Art Project: A Read, Discuss, Do! Activity

READ: URSA'S LIGHT by Deborah Marcero

DISCUSS: Ursa made her "impossible" dream come true in an unexpected way. What do you dream of doing some day? How might you make that dream come true?

DO: Create a pinhole picture inspired by the art in URSA'S LIGHT.

You will need:

  • black card stock or construction paper
  • colored tissue paper
  • pencil
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • toothpick or pushpin

Lightly draw a shooting star, constellation, or other night sky image in pencil on the black paper. Practice beforehand if necessary. Alternatively, you can use this printable template of a shooting star.

Cut a sheet of colored tissue paper so that it is slightly smaller than your black paper. Set it aside. Lay the black paper on a carpeted floor, woven seat cushion, or cork board. Using a toothpick or pushpin, puncture holes along the lines of your design, being careful not to poke the holes too close together. If using the shooting star template, set the printed template on top of the black paper and poke holes through both sheets.

Flip the black paper over and run your glue stick along the outside edge, then affix the sheet of colored tissue paper. Tape your finished project to a window. The light will shine through the pinholes, making it look like stars in the sky!

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Picture Book Review: WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING by Mariana Ruiz Johnson

Let me tell you about a beautiful book.

WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING is a wordless picture book by Mariana Ruiz Johnson. This book may not have words, but it says a lot. It begins with a sweet image of a child at bedtime, listening to his mother read a story. With each turn of the page, the image zooms out, revealing more and more of what is happening as the boy sleeps -- in his house, his neighborhood, his town, and even (as I interpret it) in his dreams.

The illustrations in this book are vibrant and richly detailed, showing snapshots of other stories happening throughout the night and into the morning. A child in the hospital, a mother holding a baby, a group of friends having dinner, and a colorful group of interesting characters who head out on an adventure. Where did this group of characters come from? you may wonder when you see them set out to sea for the first time. So you'll turn back to see what you missed. And if you're like me, you'll notice something new even after exploring this book a few times.

I recommend this book to anyone who loves pictures that tell a story. It would be an excellent book to share at bedtime to encourage a child's imagination to wander. Share it with young ones who aren't reading on their own yet, or with budding writers looking for a bit of inspiration. Whoever you share this book with, it will be worth adding this gorgeous book to your home or classroom library.
