Saturday, August 30, 2008


I opened my eyes to see my seven-year-old boy standing next to the bed, smiling sweetly. "Happy Birthday, Mom!" he said.

What a nice way to wake up. He then asked where Dad was and was quite disappointed to hear that Dad had to work on Mom's birthday. Ah, life just isn't fair, huh?

Yesterday one of my coworkers brought in the world's best brownies to help me celebrate. Cookie on the bottom and fudge frosting on the top! I also received a big pack of dark chocolate m&m's and some spray and lotion from Bath and Body Works. It was a nice surprise.

We went shopping last night so hubby could get me a birthday gift. I got two new pairs of shoes (gotta love BOGO) and, of course, The Diamond of Darkhold. I can hardly wait to read it!

Today my girls are going to make me a German Chocolate Cake. Yum! And later we're having some neighbors over for a cookout. Not a bad way to spend a birthday.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Slippery, Sleepy, Summer

What is it about summertime that makes it slip so sneakily past? Here I am, one and a half weeks before school starts, and I feel like I haven't done ANYTHING.

Okay, I know I went to Mexico at the beginning of the summer. So that's something. But what about all that writing and submitting I told myself I was gonna do? What about all those walks to the park with my kids or steamy afternoons spent at the lake?

Sure we've done some of that, but not nearly as much as I had planned on.

Blame it on the rain. There has been more than usual this summer.

Blame it on the gas prices. They have kept us home more.

I know the truth, though.

Summer was wasted away on LAZINESS. Late lazy mornings spent lounging liesurely like lumps of lard.

Tomorrow begins the last (full) week of summer break. I am going to make it memorable.