Saturday, March 31, 2012

National Poetry Month begins tomorrow!

I didn't have any specific plans for Poetry Month until I came across the blog of fellow verse novelist Caroline Starr Rose, Caroline by Line.

Caroline has committed to reading three verse novels during the month of April, and challenged her readers to join her. Throughout the month she will also be posting lots of goodies related to the reading and writing of verse novels.

How could I resist joining in on the fun?

The three verse novels I will read in April are:


Throughout the month I will share my thoughts on these books, post about some of my favorite verse novels, share a little about my journey in writing two verse novels of my own, and (hopefully) interview one or two authors.

So that's my plan. But don't be surprised if it changes a bit, because, if you know me at all, you know I'm not a great planner.

Monday, March 26, 2012


often times,
a story begins long before
I ever start writing.

It begins with a scene
or a concept
or a character named Tessa
who interrupts my trying-to-sleep moment
in order to introduce herself
and tell me
just a little bit of
her story.

And then I realize
that I just might
have just met
the main character
in my next book
and I get a little excited about it
and might even jot some of it down
but mostly
I wait
and see
what else this new person in my life
wants to say.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I've been tagged

My friend Corey Schwartz was evil kind enough to tag me in a meme. So, being the good sport that I am, I have decided to play along.

So here are the rules for the Lucky 7 Meme:

1. Go to page 77 of your current ms. 
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy down the next 7 lines/sentences and post them as they're written. No cheating!
4. Tag 7 other authors.

Note: if you are a picture book author, just begin on line 77 instead.

My current manuscript is HOUSE OF BONES, a young adult novel written in verse. So what I am posting are truly 7 lines beginning at line 7 of page 77.

if I can go to
public school
this year
even if it’s just
for one semester
but Mom doesn’t understand why. 
I tell her 

So now I am supposed to tag 7 other authors. I hope they are all good sports, like me.

Angie Washington

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Look! New books!

Look what we got at the library book sale yesterday! A bunch of new (and old) reading material for me and the kids. The one I was the most excited to find was Song of the Water Boatman and Other Poems by Joyce Sidman. Do you spot any favorites in this pile?