Thursday, November 07, 2013

PiBoIdMo and NaNoWriMo Updates

It's November 7th! And do you know what that means?

Day seven of NaNoWriMo and PiBoIdMo!

So how has it been going, you ask?

I am happy to announce that I have ELEVEN new ideas in my PiBoIdMo notebook. Though, technically, I can only count nine of them because the first two came to me on the last day of October. But still, that's two days ahead!

NaNoWriMo has been more of a challenge. For starters, it began on a Friday, which in itself is a rather tall hurdle for me to overcome. But add to that having my hubby home from work, and going to my sister's house for dinner--and it becomes a wall to scale rather than a hurdle to leap over! Saturday wasn't much better because we were having dinner guests and I spent a major chunk of the day cleaning house and cooking a big pot of pozole. Sunday...well, Sundays are a challenge of their own. And Monday? Monday I spent organizing Sunday School curriculum for the next six weeks. Talk about a chore!

None of these things would normally be big issues, but with NaNoWriMo every day counts! So, I am behind. My word count is hovering at around 8,000. But I have been writing every day. And I mean to catch up, darn it!

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