Wednesday, April 23, 2014

National Poetry Month: FORGET ME NOT review

The second verse novel I picked up this month is Carolee Dean's FORGET ME NOT. 

Forget is certainly something I won't do when it comes to this book.

I loved it.
I loved it so much that, after reading the last page, I could do nothing but exhale, then simply sit there, stunned.

This book is everything a verse novel should be. The poetry is varied, at times with surprising rhythm and rhyme. The language is intimate, haunting and lyrical. The story is concise, yet resonant.

I love that this book is told in two perspectives. One voice is Ally, who is hovering on the edge of death. The other is Elijah, the boy who loves her and the only one who can help her see that her life is worth saving.

FORGET ME NOT is the tragic yet hopeful story of a girl whose life has spiraled out of control, who must choose between going back to that life and trying to repair the damage, or spend eternity in forgetful apathy. It is at times spooky, at times heartbreaking, at times edge-of-your-seat suspenseful, at times romantic, and at ALL times a wonderful book.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

National Poetry Month: Book Spine Poem

In the spirit of exploring new forms of poetry, here is my first ever book spine poem:

behind the bedroom wall.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

National Poetry Month: GONE FISHING review

The first verse novel I picked up this month is Gone Fishing: A Novel in Verse by Tamera Will Wissinger. In this middle grade book, Sam is excited to go fishing with his Dad, just the two of them. So, when his sister ends up tagging along at the last minute, he is sure the day will be ruined.

Here is an excerpt from the back of the book:

For fishing tomorrow
it's just us two.
Not mom, not Grandpa
                           not Lucy.
It'll be like playing catch or
painting the garage.
Just Dad and me.

This book is an absolute joy to read. It's a simple story about family relationships and trying to catch just one keeper! What I love most about this book is the variety of poetic forms Ms. Wissinger uses to tell Sam's story. Free verse, list poems, haiku, and so many more. Rhyming and non-rhyming. It's arranged a bit like a collection of poems, and each poem could be enjoyed on its own, but together they tell a charming, satisfying story. The book is filled with fun illustrations by Matthew Cordell.

Gone Fishing is perfect for young reluctant readers, those who are interested in exploring poetry (check out THE POET'S TACKLE BOX at the end), anyone who wants a quick light read, and those, young and old, who simply enjoy this poetic form of storytelling.

A must-have for any poetry-lover's library.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Love This Book!

As my first post for National Poetry Month, here is an excerpt from one of my favorite middle grade verse novels:
made my ears frizzle
All that buzz buzz buzz
pop! pop!
drip and tinkle and trickle--
the sounds are still
buzzing and popping
in my head.
from HATE THAT CAT by Sharon Creech

I love HATE THAT CAT just as much as I love the book that came before it, LOVE THAT DOG. In this book, Jack explores poetry once again, sharing about his "hatred" for a mean black cat, and his surprise as a small black kitten creeps into his heart, and his love for his mother. The plot is simple, but the voice draws me in and tugs at my heart strings.