My favorite movie of 2014 is The Guardians of the Galaxy. The way I see it, this is movie perfection. It is fun, smart, visually stunning, funny, exciting, and full of feels. I love the characters, love the story, love the action. It is an all around great movie. So great that I saw it TWICE in the theaters. I haven't done that since Jurassic Park came out back in 1993!
Speaking of Jurassic Park...I think my favorite movie trailer of 2014 would have to be the one for the new Jurassic Park movie, Jurassic World. Can't wait to see it. I mean, can you go wrong with Chris Pratt and dinosaurs? I don't think so.
I read some great books in 2014 too. My favorite young adult book is CRESS by Marissa Meyer. For middle grade, I would have to pick THE MAGIC THIEF by Sarah Prineas. And for picture books, I think my favorite is THE MOUSE MANSION by Karina Schaapman because of its astonishingly detailed photographs of the actual mouse mansion built by the author herself!
Miniatures have been a thing for me for the past year. I've spent hours and hours making furniture and accents for my daughters' doll houses. So making miniatures definitely held the place of honor as my favorite creative thing to do during 2014. I am very proud of some of my tiny creations!
I am also very proud of a particular picture book manuscript I wrote over the past year. It's a rhyming mash-up of several fairy tales and nursery rhymes, inspired primarily by the rhyme Old Mother Hubbard. It is now in the hands of my wonderful agent, so I hope to have good news regarding that story in the year to come!
Another thing I spent time creating in 2014 has been bread. I've been working my way through a book of bread recipes that my dad gave me years ago. My favorite recipe so far is Cuban Bread because it is simple, quick and delicious! That adventure will continue into 2015 and beyond.
2014 was also a big year for me as an author, with all that has been happening with my forthcoming book. My favorite part of the process has been receiving the F&Gs of WHAT ABOUT MOOSE? in the mail!
Of course, a big favorite from 2014 was celebrating 20 years of marriage to my darling hubby!
Here are a few other favorites from 2014:
-watching a baby robin hatch from its egg
-making a new art journal
-reading 45 books (5 short of my goal)
-watching my daughter perform in her first opera
-making a scrap quilt with my girls
-watching my son run with the track team
-my parents being here for Thanksgiving
-becoming a great-aunt
-making new friends
-experimenting with Easter egg dyeing methods
I'm hopeful that there will be just as much, if not more, to love about the 2015!
Happy New Year, everyone!
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