Monday, July 29, 2019

My daughter is getting married!

Samantha and Zac

My daughter is getting married next Sunday. Now, I'm not usually a very sappy or emotional person, but I can't help but think of all the things that will be different once this week is over. This week is the last week of wedding planning, but also the last week for a lot of other things.

The last week of having all three of my children living under my roof,
sharing a bathroom,
sharing laughs,
sharing looks across the table.

The last week of preparing nightly dinner for five,
of cooking together,
of adding each of their requests to the grocery list.

This is the last week I will be able to knock on my daughter's door to say
Good morning
What time do you work today?

The last week of sleeping at night
with her just on the other side of the wall,
only a few steps away.

This is the last week of having any say
in what time she comes home
or how late she sleeps in
or whether she should really wear that skirt.

The last week
before my family grows bigger,
welcoming a new member,
a second son.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

TWO TOUGH TRUCKS update, and giveaway WINNER!

Vroom! Zoom! TWO TOUGH TRUCKS, my and Corey's next picture book, will be released into the world on September 17, 2019. That's just over two months from now!

TWO TOUGH TRUCKS, in case you didn't know, is not just about trucks. It's also a first-day-of school friendship story! How perfect, then, that it will be out right around the beginning of the school year. If you are looking forward to this book's release, here are some ways you can help rev up support for it over the next few weeks:

  • Add it on Goodreads
  • Request and/or hold it at your public library
  • Preorder a copy for a little one in your life
  • Tell your friends and family
There will be some celebrating going on as the book's release date gets closer, so stay tuned!

And now...announcing the winner of the Summer Book Giveaway:

Rebecca Levington!

Congratulations, Rebecca! I'll be in touch via email.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Updates and a GIVEAWAY!

I know I've been away from the blog for a while, but not without good reason. Since my last post at the beginning of May, I've been preoccupied with:
  • Daughter #2's college graduation
  • Son's high school graduation
  • Son's graduation party
  • Vacation to the mountains in Colorado (where I saw a moose for the first time)
  • Enjoying time with my hubby during his two week's off
  • Revising a picture book with Corey
  • Critiquing three picture book manuscripts (I offer paid critiques now)
  • Preparing for the #PBChat Mentorship program
  • Revising a middle grade verse novel for an agent
  • And planning my daughter's wedding, which is happening in ONE MONTH!
In the midst of all of that, my two books had birthdays. WHAT ABOUT MOOSE? turned 4 and HENSEL AND GRETEL: NINJA CHICKS turned 3! So, as a slightly belated celebration, I'm giving away one copy of each to a lucky winner! Simply fill out the form below to enter. Ends Wednesday, July 10 at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be announced on Thursday, July 11!

Good luck, and enjoy the rest of your summer!