Friday, October 28, 2022

Read this if You're Wondering Where I've Been


Lately I have felt like I could do almost anything...

...except write a post for this blog. 

So I thought I would jump back in with a few simple updates. 

Since the end of summer I have:

  • finished the second draft of my latest verse novel
  • revised a couple picture book manuscripts
  • drafted a few new picture book manuscripts
  • read a lot of picture books
  • read one verse novel
  • planned several school visits
  • spent a lot of time with my kids and grandkids (I have three now!)
  • gone apple picking 
  • done apple cooking
  • written and edited for Read, Discus, Do!
  • and more

Throughout the fall I plan to do much of the same, but also:
  • revise an old verse novel manuscript based on my agent's feedback
  • polish a new picture book manuscript (rhyming, non-fiction) and show it to my agent
  • put together a book dummy for a concept book
  • make several handmade Christmas gifts
  • finish my Christmas quilt
  • LOT'S of baking
  • blog more often