Tuesday, March 29, 2011

new art project

I felt like I needed a little break from writing and revising, so I started a new art project. I got a taste for doing collages last summer when I did a big collage with my kids (see it in this post), so I decided it was finally time to start another one. Here is the design I sketched last night:

It feels good to let my creativity flow in another direction now and then.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A bio of sorts

I recently discovered a site called Wordle, where you can create beautiful little (or not so little) word clouds. What fun! So, the other day I wasted way too much time playing around with that site, making wordles for myself and my three children. Here is the one I created for myself:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Remember that "maybe"?

The editor wants to see revisions! I spent a good part of Wednesday tweaking the meter in a few stanzas of the manuscript I mentioned the other day. It is a counting book told in rhyme. What fun huh? Also, what a pain!

I love rhyme, but sometimes getting just the right words into just the right metric pattern can be like finding two socks in the laundry with the same shade of whiteness!

Tough job, but worth it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Boy+dead fish+stick=quality outdoor time

Ah, boys! They are delightful, aren't they? I love the way my boy, when I lean in to kiss him goodnight, latches onto me and cackles maniacally, saying, "I'm not going to let you go!"

And I love the way he manages to bring a little bit of grossness into my life. Like the other day when we were at the park. Beautiful day. Ducks on the water, birds in the trees, large dead catfish at the edge of the pond. Handy stick nearby. Score!

What better way for a boy to be a boy than to jab a dead catfish in the eye with a stick! I admit it. I treasured every moment of it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Maybe is better than no

I sent a manuscript to a publisher last month.

I heard back from the editor a couple of weeks ago.

She wants to hold on to it till the end of the month, when she'll be making her final decisions, if that is okay with me.

Of course it is okay with me!

Now, if the end of the month would come a little sooner, that would be great.